The deltatwin drive is the command line dedicated to handle DeltaTwin® project repository. It stores all the configuration, resources, models and sources to run a DeltaTwin® component and retrieve data.

The DeltaTwin® component anatomy can be described with the following empty local representation:

├─── manifest.json
├─── artifacts/
├─── models/
├─── resources/
├─── sources/
└─── workflow.yml/

deltatwin drive init

Create an empty DeltaTwin repository.

The DIRECTORY automatically contains subdirectories and files used to manage a DeltaTwin.

Typically, there are resources, artifacts, sources and models folders. It also contains the manifest file which synchronizes all resources, dependencies and sources used by the DeltaTwin

DIRECTORY : path to the folder containing the DeltaTwin components [MANDATORY]

deltatwin drive init [OPTIONS] DIRECTORY


-h, --help

Show this message and exit.



Required argument


For example, you can create a new DeltaTwin® called ndvi with the following command:

deltatwin drive init /home/user/desktop/ndvi

This command will create the basic files of a DeltaTwin® component, in a folder called ndvi.

INFO:Delta:New commit : 076f911d678a97038bf83d873c8d94797341ef65 master
INFO:Delta:Twin has been initialized at /home/user/desktop/ndvi
INFO: DeltaTwin® ndvi created

deltatwin drive build

Build the DeltaTwin image with a (user) provided tag

🛈 This command must be executed on the directory of the DeltaTwin
cd <delta_twin_directory>
deltatwin drive build –tag dev –registry registry_url
deltatwin drive build [OPTIONS]


-t, --tag <tag>

The (build) image tag name. Default value is ‘latest’

-r, --registry <registry>

The user defined registry. Default value is ‘’

-h, --help

Show this message and exit.


delta drive build -t <tag name>

This command will build a (Docker) image of your DeltaTwin® component.

deltatwin drive publish

Publish a new version of a DeltaTwin to the platform.

VERSION: identifier of the published DeltaTwin. [MANDATORY]

The canonical public version identifiers MUST comply with the following scheme: [N!]N(.N)*[{a|b|rc}N][.postN][.devN]

🛈 This command must be executed on the directory of the DeltaTwin

To publish a new DeltaTwin, you must download the DeltaTwin, and then execute:

deltatwin drive publish 1.0.0

–change-log “New version of my DeltaTwin”

To publish a new version of my DeltaTwin, you must download the DeltaTwin, and then execute:

deltatwin drive publish 1.0.0 –change-log “New version of my DeltaTwin” –deltatwin-name my_deltatwin

deltatwin drive publish [OPTIONS] VERSION


-v, --visibility <visibility>

Set the visibility of the DeltaTwin.


public | private

-t, --topic <topic>

Define each topic of the DeltaTwin (multiple topics can be defined)

-C, --change-log <change_log>

Describe the change log of the DeltaTwin

-c, --conf <conf>

Path to the conf file

-d, --deltatwin-name <deltatwin_name>

Delta component name

-h, --help

Show this message and exit.



Required argument


deltatwin drive publish  <version name>
deltatwin drive publish -d <DeltaTwin® name> <version name>

This command will publish your DeltaTwin® component to the DeltaTwin® platform. But you can also publish a new version of your DeltaTwin®. Note: If you have already pushed your DeltaTwin®, please use the second command.


deltatwin drive resource add

Add a resource to the DeltaTwin component resources list, if the download option is present. This command will download the resource and put it in the resources folder, and add an entry in the resources section of the manifest.json file.

PATH: fullpath, url or directory of the resources. [MANDATORY]

FILENAME: by which the resource is referenced. [MANDATORY]

deltatwin drive resource add [OPTIONS] PATH FILENAME


-h, --help

Show this message and exit.

-d, --download

If present the resources will be download andput in the resources folder



Required argument


Required argument


deltatwin drive resource add /path/to/resource

Will add the resource given in argument, to the resources of the working DeltaTwin® component. If given the option –download, it will download the resource and put it in the resources folder. This command will add the entry to manifest.json.

deltatwin drive resource delete

Delete a resource from the DeltaTwin component resources list.

NAME: by which the resource is referenced. [MANDATORY]

deltatwin drive resource delete [OPTIONS] NAME


-h, --help

Show this message and exit.



Required argument


deltatwin drive resource delete

This command will remove the entry from the manifest.json.

deltatwin drive resource list

List the resources from the working DeltaTwin.

deltatwin drive resource list [OPTIONS]


-f, --format-output <format_output>

Format of the output json/text default is text

-h, --help

Show this message and exit.


deltatwin drive resource list

List all the resources from the manifest.json of the working DeltaTwin® component.

deltatwin drive resource sync

Reload the manifest file content to refresh project resources section

deltatwin drive resource sync [OPTIONS]


-h, --help

Show this message and exit.


deltatwin drive sync

This command will reload the manifest.json, to update all the resources with the last manifest load.

INFO:Delta: has been fetched.


DeltaTwin® artifact stores output Data of DeltaTwin® component executions.

deltatwin drive artifact add

Create an artifact from an output of a DeltaTwin component execution.

RUN_ID: Id of the run Execution [MANDATORY]

OUTPUT_NAME: Name of the output [MANDATORY]

Example: deltatwin drive artifact add b8810ff1-16c7-4269-b784-0c5ce392ff25 out –artifact-name artifact_1 –description description –topic topic1 –topic topic2

deltatwin drive artifact add [OPTIONS] RUN_ID OUTPUT_NAME


-c, --conf <conf>

Path to the conf file

-a, --artifact-name <artifact_name>

Required Name of the artifact

-d, --description <description>

Required Description of the artifact

-t, --topic <topic>

Required Define each topic of the artifact (multiple topics can be defined)

-h, --help

Show this message and exit.



Required argument


Required argument

deltatwin drive artifact list

List the artifacts of a DeltaTwin component

Example: deltatwin drive artifact list

deltatwin drive artifact list [OPTIONS]


-c, --conf <conf>

Path to the conf file

-s, --short

Shows only the most significant columns in table

-f, --format-output <format_output>

Format of the output json/text default is text

-h, --help

Show this message and exit.

deltatwin drive artifact get

Retrieve an artifact and store it in a file.

ARTIFACT_ID: Id of the Artifact [MANDATORY]


deltatwin drive artifact get b8810ff1-16c7-4269-b784-0c5ce392ff25 –file my_art.jpg –download

deltatwin drive artifact get b8810ff1-16c7-4269-b784-0c5ce392ff25

deltatwin drive artifact get [OPTIONS] ARTIFACT_ID


-c, --conf <conf>

Path to the conf file

-d, --download
-F, --file <file>

Path of the file to save the artifact, by default it is the basename of the artifact in current directory

-f, --format-output <format_output>

Format of the output json/text default is text

-h, --help

Show this message and exit.



Required argument

deltatwin drive artifact delete

Delete an artifact from user remote storage using its ID. ARTIFACT_ID: Id of the artifact [MANDATORY]

deltatwin drive artifact delete [OPTIONS] ARTIFACT_ID


-c, --conf <conf>

Path to the conf file

-h, --help

Show this message and exit.



Required argument